there is a hell about html css I want to indicate a fixed container, but the width of container always be mark up by text. such as span, td. now, let's study this issue particularly. code a segment of HTML as below <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> table {bo ...
vertical tab component approach 1 implement with li and div, set li width 61px,and float left set div margin-left 61px, it's work in FF & chrome, but not work in IE6 <html> <head> <title>tab demo</title> <style> .ul {padding: 0; margin: 0; float: lef ...
I try to take a processbar myself, without JQuery, I do it one by one, step 1 the origin code, coding hard, not sort, for read it to easy <html> <head> <title></title> <style> </style> <script> window.onload=function(){ init(); ...
continue to study full screen layout concept. I found a good approach with iframe or frame to resolve this issue. now, overview the these days what I do, I find I my thing just like run into a traffic jam . it's hard to implement full screen with pure table, td, div and use up rest height but it's ea ...
there is a table frame about header, footer and body, I take it through table, I indicate height of head & footer with class theader(100px) & tfooter(50px), and keep tbody height empty to program auto calc the remain height. last, I add a div as container and provider scroll when content out ...
popup center div <html> <head> <title>div 100% height</title> <style> html, body { height: 100%; width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } #t { position: absolute; left: 5%; top: 5%; border: 1px solid #777; h ...
to implement 100% height container in html, I get 2 method to get it, with div, and with table. first div <html> <head> <title>div 100% height</title> <style> html, body { height: 100%; width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } #t ...
usually, I use property to rw data stead of database when it's simply. but I offen run into an other trouble: hell of charset about chinese. in fact, it's not only trouble about chinese, some espically character are so on. such as ' '(space), \n, \r, \t, <, >, ... etc. there is 2 solution I fo ...
for spend some off hours, I decide to study some algorithm, the arithmetic of sort is a good choice. since sort algorithm bring forwand long time ago. but it's alway found the more efficienty method. first, basic algorithm: bubble, insert, selection. just apply array to compare value between 2 numbe ...
前言, 虽然jQuery的tab已经做得很好了, 但作为一个代码手写者, 多少有些洁癖, 为了1,2个小功能就要在打开的网页里下载几十乃至几百K的js lib, 心里不是滋味, 想想我自身的代码才多少, 本末倒置 但jquery的风格着实不错, 就参照写了个类似的, 以备日后自己回顾 //load custom lib <script type="tetext/javascript" src="YS_Util.tab.js"></script> //invoke //parameter: name of sel ...
Javascript确实是很烦人, 但也很诱人 这次记录constructor, 与之相关的, 还有typeof, ==, === 试测测以下代码的结果 function demo(){ var str1="abc"; var str2=new String("abc"); var str3=new Array("abc"); alert(typeof str1); alert(typeof str2); alert(typeof str3); alert(str1.constructor); ...
JS里的对象在Ajax发展之后, 就跟着疯狂起来, 要玩好JS的对象, 就要搞清楚构造器(constructor), 指针(pointer), 原型(prototype) 这篇文章主要记录我对prototype的理解 prototype 最初的用法是, 为了避免方法在构造器里随机数据被实例化时而产生重复的副本 后来被用在"继承"上面了, 注意, JS语义上是没有继承的, 这里说的是人为的实现 总结, prototype其实也是指针, 默认是实例的指针, 当然也可以人为的改变, 父类A, 子类B 默认情况, B.prototype=A.prototype 这样, ...
最近有点迷上javascript, 潜下心来, 仔细理了下JS的对象构造 关于对象构造, 大致有以下几种pattern 1. factory 工厂模式, 很传统的啦, 主要就是在构造函数里临时创建一个Object, 然后把所有资源都赋予这个实例, 最后返回这个实例的引用, 创建对象时不需要new, 工厂模式嘛, 缺点是, 因为最后的引用不是原来的Class, 所以Class的prototype完全废了 2. constructor 构造模式, 很Java的风格, 构造器里, 把所有资源赋给this, 然后返回这个this的引用 缺点是, 里面的方法也随着数据一样, 每new一个实例, 就重 ...
我一向不喜欢脚本语言, 因为其是弱语言类型, 成天有些让人异想不到的错误, 你很可能花了2, 3小时来调试, 其结果却可能是你在数组initial时, 在最后一个element后多添加了一个comma. 但JS的正则表达式, 却是我少数由衷喜爱的东西, 首先它是解释语言, 灵活修改调试, 但执行效果却比编译语言还要来得优秀, 相比Java后来也加上了RegExp, 但还是没JS的来得好用 网上有许许多多的RegExp在线validate工具, 最近为了更好的了解RegExp, 又懒得上网到处找, 就自己随手编了一个, 这样也能巩固知识 嘿嘿, 好家伙, 直接用HTML代码了, 没有后台 ...
上篇文章写了简单的layout后, 这次来个复杂的, 在找素材时, 左看右看没有合眼的, 最后, 直接把眼光放在正在coding的Netbean上 先旨声明, 这个demo, 只注重layout的架构布局的学习研究, 界面细微之处, 跟真正的netbean, 相差那是相当远的 目前的最终效果图 swing的layoutmanage, 跟以前做VS的很不相同, 你的想法必须有些转换, 想想webpage的html也许对你有所启发,在客户端, component的大小是可换的 swing的layout, 在布局时, 时刻都要围绕一个主题, 在不同的平台上的表现, checkbox为例, ...
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